Leah Feldman Joins B2 Masthead…


Leah Feldman

The Editorial Collective happily welcomes Leah Feldman to our editorial board, effective immediately.

Leah Feldman is currently a fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study at The Central European University in Budapest. In the fall of 2015 she will join the University of Chicago as Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature. Her research interests include comparative literary and cultural networks across the Russian/Soviet empires and the Turko-Persianate world, the relationship between aesthetics and politics, theories of modernity, theories of translation, comparative (post)colonialisms, and semiotics. Her current book project On the Threshold of Eurasia: Orientalism and Revolutionary Aesthetics in the Caucasus, 1905-1929 exposes the ways in which representations of the figure of revolution informed the interplay between orientalist and anti-colonial discourses in Russian and Azeri poetry, prose, and propaganda. She is the author of “Orientalism on the Threshold: Reorienting Heroism in Late Imperial Russia” in boundary 2 and a forthcoming collection of translations of Azeri plays. 


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