Paul Bové wins CELJ Distinguished Editor award


The Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) has announced Paul Bové, who recently retired as boundary 2’s long-time editor, as one of two winners of the CELJ award in the “Distinguished Editor” category. The award will be announced at the annual Modern Language Association Convention, at the end of CELJ Session #276, Friday 01/05, from 1:45–3pm. boundary 2 and its community joins the CELJ in congratulating Paul on this outstanding achievement!

According to the judges’ comments, Bové stood out among several exceptionally strong candidates for having served at least three decades at the helm of boundary 2. The judges credit Bové with instituting a new editorial vision for boundary 2 when it was struggling in its initial years of publication, and with building the journal’s reputation and influence over the past thirty years. The judges further praise Bové for developing an effective editorial collective rather than a strictly hierarchical approach to leadership, all to the benefit of a journal that has been consistently interdisciplinary and has published work that has been significantly influential across several fields.


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