CFP–The University in Turmoil: Global Perspectives


The University in Turmoil: Global Perspectives

We are writing to solicit work for a boundary 2 online dossier on “The University in Turmoil: Global Perspectives.” With a nod to Immanuel Wallerstein’s book on the 1968 student protests at Columbia University, the dossier seeks to provide selected snapshots of the student protests that are being staged across the world against authoritarian regimes, tuition increases, complicity in genocide, and a host of other issues (flashpoints include Bangladesh, Gaza, Algeria, India, Hong Kong…).

What do these protests reveal about the state of the university today? About its complicity in state, financial, military, and corporate interests? To what extent can student protests chart a way forward for the university? What do the protests reveal about what we want the university to be, today? These are some of the questions the dossier will consider across a broad range of settings and writerly forms.

If you are interested in contributing, please contact boundary 2 online’s editors, Arne De Boever and Christian Thorne.


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