R.A. Judy receives Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism


b2o: the online community of boundary 2 would like to congratulate our fellow bounder, R.A. Judy, on receiving the Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism for his book Sentient Flesh: Thinking in Disorder, Poièsis in Black (Duke University Press, 2020).

Noting Judy’s outstanding work for decades prior to this landmark book, the selection committee emphasized that Judy’s “work as a philosopher, a literary and cultural critic, a teacher, an editor, and a colleague is a unique and emphatic announcement of what a certain fundamental strain of and in black studies has long been—namely the irruptive, disruptive turning and overturning of the ontological, metaphysical and epistemological foundations of modernity”.

Previous winners of the award include Fred Moten, who recently interviewed Judy for boundary 2 and b2o.

Judy is currently leading the team of 5 that edits boundary 2.


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