finance and fiction | dossier

“Finance and Fiction” is an ongoing dossier edited by Arne De Boever and Mikkel Krause Frantzen (University of Copenhagen). While some materials in the dossier were initially presented as part of a two-day event titled “Finance and Fiction” that De Boever and Frantzen organized at CalArts in January 2020, the dossier will also include new work. If you are interested in contributing, feel free to reach out to the dossier editors at adeboeverATcalartsDOTedu and mikkelfrantzenAThumDOTkuDOTdk.

1/ Jensen Suther, “Learning to Love the Rich in Succession (October 2, 2023)

Alex Gourevitch, “Become The Gods: A Response to Jensen Suther” (October 4, 2023)

2/ Arne De Boever, “Wu Wei (無爲) on Wall Street” (December 20, 2023)

Dominique Routhier, “A Question of Strategy: A Response to Arne De Boever” (December 20, 2023)

3/ Frederik Tygstrup, “Learning from Madoff: On Fiction and Finance in the 21st Century” (January 30, 2024)

Michelle Chihara, “Uncanny All the Way Down: A Response to Frederik Tygstrup” (February 1, 2024)

4/ Ryan S. Jeffery, “ENTER_FACE” (8 min. video, 2023) (March 19, 2024)

Ryan S. Jeffery, “What Are Your Moves Tomorrow” (March 21, 2024)

5/ Signe Leth Gammelgaard, “Flowers Without Meaning: Literary Decadence as Finance Aesthetics” (April 16, 2024)

Matthew Potolsky, “Decadent Style for Critical Finance Scholars: A Response to Signe Leth Gammelgaard” (April 18, 2024)

6/ Special Issue of b2o: an online journal

Volume 6, Issue 1 (December 2024)
Special Issue: The Gordian Knot of Finance
Special Issue editor: Martijn Konings

With contributions by: Martijn Konings; Stefan Eich; Amin Samman; Dick Bryan; Janet Roitman; and Michelle Chihara.

7/ Peter Makhlouf, “The Anxiety of Inflation (On Ben Lerner’s The Lights) (February 11, 2025)